
SOMA Treatment Session

To address pain or discomfort, as well as a great introduction to SOMA work, this will benefit you more than traditional massage therapy. Using the structural integrative techniques of SOMA Bodywork, this session will address chronic health conditions such as low back, shoulder, neck and knee pain, tendonitis, carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome, sciatica and plantar fasciitis.

SOMA Bodywork series

The 11 sessions of SOMA Bodywork release, realign and re-educate the soft tissue of the body, re-boot your self-awareness and reconnect you to life’s potential. This is about transformation: be more who you want to be.


Somassage is a high quality, relaxing and energizing deep tissue massage. It also acts as a maintenance massage to address the individual needs of people who have already received the SOMA Bodywork series.

Massage Therapy

Deep Tissue Massage or Swedish Massage to meet the client’s individual needs, from the pampering relaxing experience to a therapeutic experience to treat trauma related to an automobile accident.